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A boon for overseas guests: On Air Plastic Surgery Clinic was selected as a partner organization of Gangnam-gu Medical Tourism Center

 A boon for overseas guests: On Air Plastic Surgery was selected as a partner organization of Gangnam-gu Medical Tourism Center

On Air Plastic Surgery Clinic was selected as a partner organization of Gangnam-gu Medical Tourism Center

ON AIR Plastic Surgery Clinic is cooperating with Gangnam-gu as a medical institution for foreign patients.
We are doing our best to provide better medical technology and services to our customers visiting from overseas.

"Welcome to On Air Plastic Surgery to all the overseas customers. "
Book your next appointment with On Air! 

WA: +82-1095592339 
KAKAO TALK : onairps3 

LOCATION: 6F 422 Gangnam-gu, Gangnam-daero, Seoul

For more information please visit my homepage at


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